


ZERMATT (AP)— As if the rest of the WFBL hasn't had enough already of the insufferable Abominables (defending champs, by the way), the league announced that the 2009 WFBL All-Star classic will be held in snowy Zermatt, Switzerland.

In classic WFBL-style, a press conference was held in front of a throng of onlookers at league headquarters over the weekend. Abominables star point guard Chris Paul surprised the crowd by bursting through a large banner adorned with the 2009 logo.

"It's an honor and a priviledge to bring the WFBL's greatest players to Switzerland," said A-Boms coach/league Commissioner Ben Barnes. "
Although it could be argued that the League's greatest players will already be playing for Zermatt, due to the awesome draft I plan on making in the coming weeks."

Barnes went on to say that there were multiple bids out for the All-Star game, which had previously taken place in Salt Lake, New Orleans, and New York. Zermatt narrowly edged out Maracaibo, Venezuela and Rome, Italy, due to the fact that "I didn't like the logo ideas I had for the other cities," said Barnes.

Speaking of the All-Star logo, isn't it something? In the primary mark, the famous Matterhorn rests in a heraldic Swiss shield, with the word "All-Star" emblazoned across the front. Leaves from the Edelweiss flank the lettering, and a pair of Alpen horns cross in the background, playing a festive, starry tune, no doubt trumpeting forth a proclamation of basketball supremacy.

The secondary logo features the Edelweiss flower/basketball, while the tertiary is a Swiss-cross star. Said star is also featured in the wordmark, which proudly says CH09 (Confederacion Helvetica).

The 2009 WFBL All-Star Diversion Week will be held Feb 9-15th, culminating with the 2009 WFBL All-Star Game on Feb. 15th.


Dave said...

Thats it, I'm gonna win it all this year if only to put an end to all of Zermatt's gratuitous gloating. And yes, I realize adding gratuitous in front of gloating is gratuitous in and of itself, since gloating implies gratuitousness, but I felt justified.

Oh, and nice logos.

Shaun said...

Ditto on the Zermatt gloating. I reiterate my main goalfor this season. "To make sure that Zermatt misses the playoffs."